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MYSfits NOTES - 2.6.19


  • Joe Kye this Saturday!!!

  • Lessons from Monday Musical Club


The wonderful Joe Kye will finally join us this Saturday!

He will bring some of the music we'll play with him on March 10, plus he'll bring other fun musical games and activities.

In the meantime, keep practicing Grieg!


Lessons from Monday Musical Club

Thank you to all of you who played at the Monday Musical Club event. This organization is an important sponsor of MYS, and the donations we receive from them help keep your tuition costs down, and pay for coaches, music rentals, etc, etc, etc...

I thought Holberg Suite went pretty well for the most part. I think it was clear for everybody which movements need the most work. There were several accidents (like wrong repeats, miscounting long notes, etc), that we hopefully got out of our systems. One major issue is that we are not yet fully unified in terms of bow strokes (and bowings in some cases!). We will continue working to polish this piece.

See you Saturday!!

Dr. G.

Joe Kye!

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