Oct 10, 2014
"Sunset Symphony" with the LPO
The Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra and the Greater New Orleans Youth Orchestra will perform at a free outdoor concert on the Mandeville...

Apr 10, 2014
'Some Enchanted Evening' at Slidell's Heritage Park
#conductor #raulgomez #lpo #press

Feb 23, 2014
Watch Raul's TED talk LIVE this Thursday
From Raul's latest e-mail newsletter: Dear friends, I am super excited to announce that I'll be traveling to Costa Rica tomorrow to be...

Jan 16, 2014
Raúl to conduct Shoenberg's Pierrot Lunaire with all-star LSU faculty ensemble
Raúl will join an all-star cast in the performance of Schoenberg's Pierrot Lunaire on March 30, 2014 at 3:00pm at the LSU School of...

Jan 11, 2014
Beatles BMP Guide
If you're a Beatles fan and a conductor, this might be useful to you. #blog #conductor #raulgomez

Jan 10, 2014
Raúl on TED.COM
https://www.ted.com/tedx/events/9061 Raúl Gómez is a confirmed speaker for a TED event in San José, Costa Rica. He will be speaking about...
Nov 18, 2013
POLIFONÍA UNIVERSITARIA Presenta: Orquesta de la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes - Director i
POLIFONÍA UNIVERSITARIA Presenta: Orquesta de la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes 2do. Aniversario Director invitado: Raúl Gómez...
Nov 14, 2013
Next Stop: Mexico!!
Hello everybody! After a fun run of concerts with the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra (this one, this one and a private function last...

Nov 4, 2013
Raúl to speak at TEDx Pura Vida 2014
"Charlas más cortas y expositores más variados y entretenidos, es la fórmula con la que cual el TEDx Pura Vida 2014 espera cautivar a su...

Nov 4, 2013
NOLA.COM: Sprinkling of raindrops can't dampen spirits at Sunset Symphony on the Lake: Northshor
Raindrops dampened nary a spirit at the Sunset Symphony on the Lake on Oct. 27. Umbrellas were popped open, and wine corks popped up as...