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Scheherazade Audition Info & Excerpts


All Symphony Orchestra musicians must submit "unlisted" YouTube link to by January 4, 2018 at 5:00pm.


Go to my instructions post here.


All parts are available at the MYS Online Music Library (password is myplaymys)


Flute (all excerpts from Fl 1 part)

  1. Mov 1: D to 10 before E

  2. Mov 2: K to L

  3. Mov 2: Q to 13 before R (solo)

  4. Mov 3: F to G

  5. Mov 3: 4th of M to N (solo)

  6. Mov 4: 17th of V to 28 after V

Oboe (all excerpts from Ob 1 part)

  1. Mov 1: H to 12 after H

  2. Mov 2: A to B

  3. Mov 2: 10 before P (from 2nd beat) to P

  4. Mov 3: 4th of K to Recit. Lento.

  5. Mov 4: B to C

  6. Mov 4: 14 before Q to Q

Clarinet (all excerpts from Cl 1 part)

  1. Mov 1: H to 12 after H

  2. Mov 1: 11 after M to 16 after M

  3. Mov 2: F to G (solo)

  4. Mov 3: 2nd of D to F

  5. Mov 3: 4th of M to to N (solo)

  6. Mov 4: I to K

Bassoon (all excerpts from Bs 1 part)

  1. Mov 1: Beginning to m. 6

  2. Mov 2: m. 5 to A

  3. Mov 2: 2nd of L to M

  4. Mov 4: Allegro molto e frenetico (m. 10) to 2 bars before Lento. Recit.

  5. Mov 4: Piu stretto after V to W

Horns (all excerpts from Hn 1 part)

  1. Mov 1: B to D (no need to count all the rests between entrances, just wait a few beats)

  2. Mov 2: C to 15 after C

  3. Mov 2: K to L

  4. Mov 2: 13 after Q to R

  5. Mov 3: N (with pick-up) to O

  6. Mov 4: entrance after N to downbeat of O

  7. Mov 4: U (with pick-up) to V

Trumpets (all excerpts from Tpt 1 part)

  1. Mov 2: Both solos between D and E

  2. Mov 2: H to Tempo I

  3. Mov 2: K to L

  4. Mov 3: G to 1st of H

  5. Mov 3: 5 before I to I

  6. Mov 4: Q to R

  7. Mov 4: X to Y

Trombones (all excerpts from Tpt 1 part unless otherwise noted)

  1. Mov 1: Beginning to m. 6

  2. Mov 1: H to 2nd of K

  3. Mov 2: Recit. after D (trombone 2 part!)

  4. Mov 2: Entrance after E to 8 before F (count rests silently)

  5. Mov 4: 5 after K to 4 before L (count rests silently)

  6. Mov 4: P to downbeat of Q

  7. Mov 4: 10 before X to X


  1. Mov 1: beginning to m. 6

  2. Mov 1: 4 before K to L

  3. Mov 2: K to L (count rests silently)

  4. Mov 4: P to downbeat of Q

  5. Mov 4: 11 after S to 4 before T

Timpani & Perc

TBD (email coming soon from Mr. Roberts and Dr. Gómez)


  1. Mov 1: Recit. Lento, 3 chords

  2. Mov 2: Entrance after P to 13 before R

  3. Mov 3: H to 5 before I

  4. Mov 4: Allegro non troppo e maestoso after W to X

Violin (all excerpts from Violin I part):

  1. Mov 1: D to 13 after D

  2. Mov 2: O to 14 after P

  3. Mov 3: beginning to 5 before A

  4. Mov 4: P to Q

  5. Mov 4: S to T

Concertmaster pre-screening (record if interested in concertmaster audition, in addition to Violin 1 excerpts above)

  • Mov 2: Beginning to Andantino


  1. Mov 2: N to 7 before O

  2. Mov 2: 9 before P (non divisi) to 10 before Q

  3. Mov 4: Allegro molto e frenetico (m. 10) to 2 bars before Recit. Lento.

  4. Mov 4: 28 before W to W


  1. Mov 1: M (solo) to 11 after M

  2. Mov 2: 15 after C (solo) to 25 after C

  3. Mov 2: 10 before P (top line, from 2nd beat, play chord at the fermata) to 5 after P

  4. Mov 3: A with pick-up to 5 before B

  5. Mov 4: M to downbeat of N


  1. Mov 2: H to 16 after H

  2. Mov 2: R to end

  3. Mov 4: Allegro molto e frenetico (m. 10) to 2 bars before Recit. Lento.

  4. Mov 4: 15 after M to N

  5. Mov 4: Piu stretto after V to W

Scheherazade spinning a tale to King Shahryar

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