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MYS Symphony Notes - 5.14.19

Hi everybody!

Our concert is exactly one week from today, and we start weeknight rehearsals this Thursday.

Here's our rehearsal plan for the next few days. It's subject to change. If I make any changes, I'll e-mail you about it.

Attendance is crucial. Please be there and be early.


Thursday, May 16, 7:00pm-9:30pm (@ Multnomah Arts Center, 7688 SW Capitol Hwy)

7:00pm: Price Symphony

- Mov 4

- Mov 2 (middle section and clarinet passages in recap)

- Mov 3

- Mov 1

~9:00pm: Kabalevsky (no soloist)


Saturday, May 18, 9:30am-12:30pm (@ Roseway)

- Canebrakes - Encores - Palka -- break -- - Symphony as needed - 12:00pm - Kabalevsky (with Ethan)


Monday, May 20, 7:00pm-9:30pm (@ Roseway)

Program Order:

- Canebrakes

- Kabalevsky

- Palka

--- break ---

- Symphony

- Encores



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